For the Dolzall Portfolio

Hello. I'm Paul, and quite obviously this is my English webpage. First of all, your probably wondering why the heck I've got this lobster thing going on my page, and well lucky for us, it has to do with English.(In other words I'll tell you.) Back in good ol' 8th grade English I just happened to write this English "myth" or something of that sort about how lobsters got thier claws. Literary wise it was no masterpiece, but it was kinda funny, and to put it simply, heck I liked it. Anyhow, my interests are Baseball, Airplanes, computers, art to a certain extent, and other such nifty things. But this is a English page so lets get on with the English.

This year, in Honors English II I think, and hope I will have a experience in which I can learn and actually have fun at the same time. The webpage idea is pretty cool to me, thus making the year off to a really "good" start. There are quite a few goals that I hope/plan to accomplish this year. First of, I'll get the obvious out the way.....I want to get a good grade. But thats not all. One thing that I definitley want to improve upon is class participation. This, has been my goal for about the previous five years in just about every class, and I still haven't improved all that much, but heck, it could happen.

To go along more with what I hope to get specifically from the years "projects" etc, even though I'm really not too enthusiastic about more vocab, I always do actually ending up learning a few words, last year my favorite being "Blase." (with the ' over the E)

Then there are the books. I generally am not too crazy about starting new book I have never heard of and generally never planned on reading, but I usually end up actually liking, or semi-liking the books we read. I atleast find them interesting on the most part. Take for example Lord of the Flies. It wasn't my favorite book in the world by a long shot, but I was "stimulated" by the way it seemed to parralell all human society, with only a few kids. The way they evolved or devolved was much like that of actual governments, and rebellions. It also interested me with all the irony. The kids are rescued by fire, but a fire that was meant to kill them. And when they are rescued from "thier little war" its by a warship, which will more or less mimic what they were doing. I'm not the best variety reader in the world, as I read mostly History, and I suppose I could make a goal out of that. Infact I think I will: "This year I will try to read a better variety of books." So in conclusion on my reading skills, I get the impression I'm pretty good at it.

When it comes to wrtiting I seem not to be too bad. It's harder to point out evidence of this,compared to the other subjects, but one decidedly weak example I can point to is my grades. If my writing REALLY stunk would I be in a Honors English course? Probably not. I do however seem to improve at certain types of writing if we do it twice, but again all I have to point out, is some 89's turning into 95's and such. One thing I know to be true is that I have an easier time writing about some things more than others. I almost enjoy writing more fiction off the wall type of thing, realistic fiction I rather like, but writing about myself, I dont. And then there is persuasive essays, which while I seem to be good at, have become the symbol of all boredom, as they have been the focus of my English classes for about the past 7 years.

As for Listening it really depends how you look at it. If in your criteria book all a listener has to do to be a good listener is listen carefully, then I'm excellent. I never interupt, (well teachers at least) and I don't do the old doze off and fall asleep routine either, making for good attentive listening. However, some people seem to think to listen one must, well be listened to. (In other words respond/ and participate.) Well, I'm not quite as great anymore if this is included. While I DO listen, I don't say a excessive or mabye even "adequate" amount a good deal of the time. But, I believe I already went over this, so no need to drag upon the issue.

So, thats me. A bit odd sometimes, but I think pretty good at what I do. I hope this year in English will be a good one, and I hope you enjoy my website. If this page has a back button you might as well press that, and get to the journals etc. and if it dosen't, don't worry it will, for now just press back on your browser. So look around, enjoy and when your done with all this exciting english stuff, go to the Lobster Universe HOME! See-ya around.

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