Caesar Journal # 1 Excerpt # 28

This quote, in addition to making it clear why Caesar was "openly hated" (he wanted to be king) also made me think about how ambitious people are generally hated, scoffed at, etc. before they accomplish what they want to. Of course they are also hated after the achieve what they want, but by then they are hated, and respected, and that is because who ever hates them didn’t achieve it. So what I guess this excerpt made me think of was how truly ambitious people seem to have a history at being scoffed at, at least until they take over the world or invent the light-bulb or something. Thomas Edison was scoffed at; his teachers thought him such an idiot that they kicked him out of school. The same with Einstein. The Wright brothers were the source of quite a bit of mockery before they actually flew, and for that matter, all early aviation people were thought crazy in general. The "the earth is round" and those who tried to sail around the world were also often thought idiots. So I guess it’s not just really ambitious people, but anybody who has an idea against the norm, even if the idea is good. Come to think of it, this is a pretty Universal theme, and even though we encourage new ideas today they are still sometimes mocked, I know that I’m not immune to such things. I don’t know how well this fits in but a part of the Star Wars Radio version (yes, there was one) that I heard a long time ago just came to mind. One of Luke’s friends was talking about how Luke was mocked now by the others in his hometown, and that the others may be big and popular there, but even the most popular would probably never even get off the planet, that was where they had there little power, they were fine with that small glory. But Luke was truly ambitious and he’d go places. It’s pretty much the same idea.

Of course this is all a bit of an oversimplification. Getting back to Caesar, I’m sure people hated him not just because he was ambitious, but because they had good reason to hate him. He wasn’t all too nice, and did seem to have a reputation as a bit of a traitor. I don’t think if the president tried to be king today we’d all be too happy. Ambitious doesn’t necessarily mean good or wise. The Flat Earth Society is rather ambitious, but the evidence and wisdom is rather against them. Hitler was ambitious. He was smart. He was a good leader too. But a good guy? No.

So that is what that excerpt brought to mind, and as I have nothing really more to say, I shall end.