Caesar Journal # 4 -Prompt # 21.
I think that this quote about how Caesar broke into tears upon reading the history of Alexander the great, as he himself had "not accomplished anything great." Really shows off Caesar’s personality; as an incredibly ambitious person, who was also something a bit of a character, an eccentric. It is not unusual for leaders to be eccentric, (or perhaps the truth is that all people are "eccentric" it is just that leaders are observed more.) Abraham Lincoln, Ulysses Grant, Winston Churchill etc. were all quite eccentric. However, Caesar, assuming this quote is true, along with the rest of his recorded quotes seems to be a perfectionist to the extreme. He seems to not be a boastful, glory-hunting person just to be famous in the public eye, but also it seems to me at least; that he wants to prove himself to himself. The fact that Caesar felt inferior to Alexander by reading that book makes it seem that he felt like a scumbag unless he was out being better than anyone else. It seems he wasn’t just not-happy with being second, it actually made him feel worthless. Of course this entire crying thing could have just been Caesar’s act; trying to show how determined, great and yet humble he was, as Caesar was apparently a great "wirepuller." That would change the entire outlook on this, but I don’t think that is what happened. Caesar did seem to absolutely detest second.
Also, I think most of us can relate at least a little to what Caesar was feeling, including myself. Every now and then I see someone my age doing something rather impressive, amazing perhaps and I think something like: "He’s designing the spaceship to mercury, and I’m trying to remember how to divide." That’s a fake example, but the point is the same. I think most people get that feeling sometimes, and it’s even more annoying when the guy is like 40% younger than you, which I guess Alexander was allot younger than Caesar. So, I just see how Caesar felt, and find this insight into his personality interesting.