The intro-

This story has nothing to do with the Lobster really, but you see it was written about the Lobster during their Medieval days. It was considered a classic until it was burnt by the evil humans of Lobsto'.


In the Heavens lies the constellation of the Surfing Pig. Only Constellations such as Orion match that of the epic Mythical Pig. And this is his story....

Back at the time of Zeus and all his friends, there was a Pig. This pig, bored by typical Greek life, set out to change the water, as he found it too empty on the top. Only underneath did life occupy its depths. One day while resting at the beach the water god came over and said. "Pig you always are sitting by the water but you never come in! Are you afraid to come in?" Pig not wanting to look like a coward in front of a god said "Not only can I stand in your waters and your waves, I can ride them!" With this the god let out a mighty roar of laughter as he had never seen a Pig, or any land creature, ride the waves. Pig, not one to be intimidated by anyone less than Zeus, walked into the waters. "I have completed my first claim!" cried out Pig. The water god remained silent, except for the splashing of the waves, yet Pig could feel the god’s confidence that step two would not be completed. So pig walked farther into the water. At first he began to ride the waves as they got deeper, but then he sank into them, and nearly drown trying to get out of their smuggling grasp.

Embarrassed and tired Pig walked slowly back toward his lovely mud home as the amused water God laughed up a storm, and tall waves pounded against the rocky cliffs of the beach.

However Pig did not give up. The next day he returned and cried out to the now calm waters in which the water god rested. "I shall ride your waters now! I will ride them on this stick, for a stick can ride your waves!" So Pig walked into the waters, jumped on his stick, and tried again to ride the waves. This time he nearly did ride the waves, but once again, ultimately fell over, and he once again walked back home wet.

Yet Pig still persevered. After listening to a Philosopher discuss continuously how "wider is better", Pig decided he would return the next day with lots of sticks tied together, pointed at the end for style. So the next day Pig returned, and once again he cried out to the waters "I can ride you!" And so he took his "surfing sticks" and began to ride the waves. The water god was quite surprised so he made bigger waves. Again Pig rode them. So the god made greater waves still. And Pig rode them. The water god eventually out of anger and embarrassment made a wave larger than the world had ever seen, and drown the Poor little Pig.

However this ugly end, was not truly the end of the adventurous Pig. Zeus, unhappy that the god had killed Pig, decided that Pig deserved a permanent Home in the Heavens, greater than any other. And that is why Surfing Pig still lives there today.

Can you see the surfing pig?

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