"We fight for Lobster Rights"
For years now Rev. Lobby Reading (pronounced Red-ing) Kingfish jr.
has been fighting for the freedom that all Lobsters deserve. From his humble
blue beginnings to his famous "My dreams are Red" speech he has always supported
those who are oppressed. And although he has greatly raised the awarness that
lobsters are human too, there is still a great bit of work to be done to regain
the lobster Liberty that all Lobsters deserve, red or blue, big or small. What follows
is a timeline of the great Rev. Lobster's Life.
-1950-Born a blue Lobster in a small bay somewhere in Maine
-1960-Reading becomes a Rev.
-1965-Reading declares he will and must to stop the prejudice betweeb Humans and Lobsters in the United States.
-1966-Reading is now a red Lobster.
-1969-Rev. Marches through the most Lobster prejudiced state in the U.S.-Maine. many angry Fishermen who thrive on Lobster injustice try to stop the March.
-1969-Unlike his counterpart Martin, Reading's march is called off after half the marchers are caught in nets and become dinner for evil human folk.
-1970-Lobster Marches to washington where thousands rally to support the Lobster cause. "I dream in Red" speach is delived.
-1971-Reading given Nobel Peace Prize
-1972-The President Swears under Oath " I have NEVER eaten Lobster"
-1972-Reading likes this
-1975-As a result of the Red Communist scare all Lobsters are declared evil communists including Reading.
-1975-In response, Reading declares that he does believe "It is better to be red than dead" but is NOT a communist.
-1976-Reading speaks out against Lobsters in Vietnam.
-1980-Reading is declared Lobster reverend of the year. He is also the only Lobster Rev. but nobody really cares.
-1981-Reading is assasinated when a angry fisherman finally succeeds in traping the Rev. in his net.
-1981-The nation mourns-except Maine.
-1982-Lobster Memorial in Disneyland errected.
And such was the Life of Rev. Reading Kingfish Jr.
Rev.Kingfish recieves a peace medal