The Snoopergoops, who were believed to come from "The Large Lands" were the third and only other trully intelligent known species during the time of the Lobster.(The other two being Lobsters and Humans) They are believed to be related to modern snails, although they were about 3 times larger than the modern race, (which still is pretty small) and obviously much more intelligent. They seemed to even have knack for machinery, as the only time they ever were seen in the Known World was when they were dead, or when in their aircraft, which actually were aircraft, simular to the early human planes which would come centuries later. However, they were small and the actual power of each individual snoopergoop not very powefull. For this reason they attacked in huge numbers whenever they appeared. Very little else is known about them, as their last appearance came early in the Lobster Wars, and even before then their attacks had been sporadic, and they never stayed after a victory, they just destroyed (possibly took things) and went back home. The attacks really bore more resemblance to rading parties as they would often leave as quickly and suddenly as they had appeared. Back to the Wall Back to Lob Home