In the time of the Lobster, Wizards still existed, in both the human and Lobster race. Now it must be remembered, that Wizards cannot make things out of thin air, or make things completly vanish, even the most powerfull of them. The magic did not work by impossible powers, but rather the Wizards had to use the enviornment around them. For example, a wizard could not make a rock fly, without there being a way for that rock to fly. Now, there were obviously more than one way to go about such things, but a typical way to make something "fly" would be to make the air where the rock is extremly hot, (by changing the air in scientific ways beyond the author) thus making the air near the rock, by pressure diffrence rush to where the rock is, thus creating wind, and making the rock fly into the air. Now, to keep the Rock in flight, and especially to control the direction of the flight, the wizard would constantly have to adjust temperatures/pressure of the air in the right spots to keep the wind coming in at an appropiate angle. Needless to say, this was very hard, and it is also why most wizards had to concentrate and stay still in order to perform such tricks. Also, most wizards were not really aware, what they were doing, they just knew how to do it, but obviously from their notes, these types of methods is how the spells were performed. So really, Magic is quite the same as Science, except magic is performed from the mind. (How the mind does these things is not known.)
Lobster and Human Wizards differed considerably. Lobster Magic was for the most part better performed, as many of the lobster craft, such as their flying machines, the only defense against Flying Dragonis, needed magic to be of any use at all. The Lobster seemed also to be born more magical, while a human would usually need training to accuire skills. The elite Wizards of the Humans, and some Lobsters (before the wars) were trained at Lob-Point, (L-point on the map) which taught the toughest skills. It was so named as it was the most Lob point of the known Land World. (keep in mind the compass in those days read, going clockwise: North, East, West, Lob,) The Highest wizards would often add special touches to their work, that while the looked good, or made fear (more a human tactic) really had no effect upon the actual spell. For example if a wizard made a blue wind, the blue part, probably has actually nothing to do with the usefull spell.
Some of the greatest battles of the Lobster wars included the great "duels" between wizards.